Sunday, July 13, 2008

SanDisk Sansa and playing Podcasts

Few months ago I discovered the podcasts (a bit late I must admit)

One that I like to hear with my family while driving somewhere is:
Ran Levi: Making History:

I found out that my old MP3 player is quite inconvinient (to say the least) for hearing podcasts.
Well, what's the difference between hearing podcast and hearing any other mp3, you'd ask (would you?) and here is what I'm missing:
  • Podcast as opposed to music is usually long (about an hour in many cases)
  • Podcast, like a radio program is composed of many parts
  • Podcast could be a lecture in which you'd like to bookmark something, hear the last sentence again ...
  • When pausing a lecture and Resume playing, I'd like to jump BACK few seconds (I'd also like to have a shortcut key for 5 seconds back)
  • Hearing something while playing fast forward (Available in MiniDIsk)

My old Minidisk allowed me to do some editing on the recorded media, for example, splitting long part and naming the parts

Now even with an advanced player such as Sansa e260 I don't have such abilities

Do you know of a good player for hearing Podcasts/Lectures?

Do you know of other people writing about such problems?

If there was one simple feature to ask for it would be: "Named bookmarks"
* Bookmark should be to the exact location in the played media
* I need to name it in order to jump to the exact part

Is that too much to ask?

